Kondo No Shokai





The Kondo No Shokai is an organization not concerned with financial gain. Its leaders will not accept responsibility for what an individual may do on their own volition and does not condone using copyrighted information for profit. Any person utilizing the information found herein for financial gain or profit is individually liable for the infringement of copyrighted materials and all laws pertaining thereto. Anyone who uses this information for profit or sale will be terminated immediately from the Kondo No Shokai.





Aug/Sep 1999

Jan/Feb 2000

June/July 2000

Jun/Jul 2000

Feb/Mar 2001

Jan/Apr 2002

May/July 2002

Fall/Winter 2002

Spring 2003

Summer/Fall 2003

Winter 2003 - 2004

Spring/Summer 2004

Spring/Summer  2005

Spring/Summer 2006

Summer/Fall 2008

Spring 2009















June 1998

Shorei Ryu Karate: How to Maximize the Efficiency of Your Response to an Attack

Jim Brumbaugh

Black Belt Magazine


The Sensei Disease

Terry Sanders

USKA Forum

April 1991

O Kiri Dome

Terry Sanders

Combat Sport

Oct. 1985

Training With The Japanese Sword

Terry Sanders

Black Belt Magazine

April 1984

On Being Prepared

Terry Sanders


Dec. 1982

Shorei Ryu Karate: Descedant of Naha-Te

Scott Wiseman

Black Belt Magazine


The Physics of Karate

Michael S. Feld, Ronald E. McNair and Stephen R. Wilk

Scientific American

April 1971

Kumite Quaterbacks Help Unite Karate

Dave McDonnell

Black Belt Magazine

May 1962

Karate Expert A Humble Man

Bob Miller

Arizona Journal

Dec 1961

The Truth About Karate

Donn Draeger

Strength and Health

Jul. 1959

Karate-- "Gentle" Art of Self-Defense

Henry F. Unger

Popular Mechanics





 Public Documents


Gene LeBelle Email

 Terry's 6th Kyu Judo Certificate



KNS Members-Only Section


Full Versions of all KNS Newsletters

USKA Newsletters from 1969-1997

Twelve Step Kata

National Cat Dance (Buto #1) & Karunha


Taezu Naru Waza Overview and Diagrams

Taihoko Kata

Punching Diagram

Notes from 10/29/61

Gaki Sei #2

Neko Buto #2 & #3

Seipei stickmen 1974

Pinan II copy 1972

Gopei Sho stickmen 1961

Gopei Sho steps

Trias International Early Members

Memphis TN 1972 Trias International Members